Geography West Coast USA Trip

Here are some photos of the Geography Department’s recent trip to the West Coast of America from 11th-17th February. As you will see from the photos, The Students, Mr Kelly and Miss Kara all had an amazing time, saw some jaw-dropping sights, learned lots and sampled some truly American culture!

The trip covered over 1,600km and we travelled through three US states, visiting San Francisco, Death Valley, Las Vegas, The Grand Canyon and finally onto Phoenix. It was quite the Epic Road Trip!

We really did have a superb experience and we have some wonderful memories that will remain with us a long time!

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Morrisby 2015

 “Discover your hidden talents and choose fulfilling A levels, degree courses and careers”

Profile Image

This year we are again offering students in year 11 and 12 the opportunity to take the suite of Morrisby Psychometric Assessments in preparation for making A level, degree and career choices. The Morrisby Profile is enhanced careers guidance. Letters and application forms have been emailed home with the details. I would encourage you to think about this opportunity, the report and feedback will support your planing, offer fresh and original ideas or indeed challenge you current thinking. Morrisby can demonstrate your potential.  The event is taking place on the afternoon of 11th March. Please ask your parents to check their email and discuss the idea.

The Hour of Code

hour of code

So you have seen the posters, now it’s time to sign up and try an Hour of Code.
What is it?  It is a worldwide initiative to encourage everyone to have a go at coding.
Last year over 10 million people tried it.
Join us in D2.8 at break time, lunch time and after school.
Click on the link below and sign up using your school email address to register your hour(s) to our event.
There are tutorials based on Frozen, Angry Birds,  or Flappy Birds.
Let’s see if we can reach 1000 hours over the week.

Senior Citizen Party

Hello all,

The year 12 students from St. Joan of Arc’s ARC group (Active Roman Catholics) are raising awareness to organise a Senior citizens party this Christmas. This will take place at St Joan of Arc’s Hall on the 5th December. As Roman Catholics, Jesus taught us to love thy neighbour and by organising a Senior citizens part we are following the teachings of Jesus. We hope that the Senior Citizens enjoy the spread that we have put on and that they are reminded that there are people in society who think of them and they are not isolated nor neglected.

Photos of the event will be posted shortly.

Year 12 A.R.C Media group


A Level Examination Results

Congratulations to all our students on their success this summer, overall the school results have improved for the fourth year running. This is fantastic news and reflects the hard work, dedication and commitment by students and staff.


We wish all our students who are moving on to University or the world of work all the very best for the future and please keep in touch via the FutureFirst network.

St Joan’s Alumni – please sign up and join us

There are so many ways that our current students and future students can benefit from the stories and experiences of our past students. These can be about job seeking, university experience, travel, sharing careers information, mentoring, supporting, the list is huge. Please sign up to our Future First alumni database. Three clicks. Starting with……..  – “About St Joan’s” – Alumni

or go direct………..

0r use our  QR code………..

qrafter-20140617-153635 (2)

Or ring David Ritchie (m) 07748 761393 to chat about it!

“Careers Guidance With Muscle”

Morrisby Logo

I know that most of you are discussing options for your future and the implications of 6th form subject choices, higher education choices and/or employment plans.

This is a reminder that in addition to the advice and guidance you can receive from Mr Ritchie and your tutors, St Joan of Arc is once again offering the opportunity for you to take the Morrisby Profile. It will take place on Wednesday 12th March.

More information should have come out to you in the last day or so.  Please can you return completed application forms and cheques to The Finance Office, thank you. “Careers guidance with muscle”………… Morrisby:

  • Provides descriptions and comparisons of your different mental strengths
  • Identifies “good fit” A level options post 16
  • Identifies 20 university course suggestions to start your research with
  • Suggests 12 careers that reflect your innate mental strengths
  • In short it is providing you with more evidence to help you make really important choices

Visit the Morrisby web site to try the demonstration questions