Category : Year 9
Year 9

Red is the Christian colour of martyrdom. Christians are the most persecuted faith group in today’s world and #RedWednesday will honour all Christians who suffer and die for their faithfulness to Christ’s message of peace and love. #RedWednesday will shine a light on Christian persecution but also highlight the injustices perpetrated against other faith groups.
JOA will be holding #RedWednesday on Wednesday 22nd November to support the work of Aid to the Church in Need (ACN). ACN are an organisation who work for the rights of those persecuted for their faith around the world.
On Wednesday 22nd November, we are asking that pupils donate 50p (via ParentPay) to support the work of ACN, whilst also wearing an item of red clothing in solidarity with those affected by religious persecution. There will also be student led lessons and reflections taking place in RE lessons and in the Chapel.

Fantastic opportunity to do some art and design work experience with the professionals. Check out the website, see the dates and book in, it is that simple.
Staff and students (who are not on the school’s network) can watch the speeches by clicking HERE.
Voting for staff, and students in Years 11, 12 and 13 takes place in the Sixth Form Common Room during TCT, break and lunch on Friday 24th March.
Holocaust Memorial Day
On Friday 27th January, some Y13 and Y9 students were lucky enough to listen to a live webcast from Holocaust survivor Mala Tribich. This was an event in which over 500 schools were involved, not just in the UK, but globally. Mala told the emotive story of her life in the Jewish Ghetto and later in two different concentration camps. The students found the experience very moving, especially the story she told of her cousin who went missing and Mala never found out what happened to her. Y9 ended the session by saying their main message to others is for everyone to appreciate how serious the Holocaust was and how it should be remembered today.
Thank you to everyone who supported 13 Theresa and Udayan by taking part in last Friday’s Christmas Jumper day. We raised £423!
Pictures of our winners can be found below:
Most festive forms: 7 Bede and 8 Ward
Individual winners: Year 7: Charlie Baird 7 Clare and Jenna Campbell 7 More
Year 8: Harry McVeigh 8 Bede and Freya Trendell 8 Frances
AND.…Mr Dwamena and Miss Fouhy – joint staff winners!
Thank you all! Merry Christmas and a Happy 2017 from 13 Theresa
Christmas Jumper Day 2016
Don’t have a Christmas Jumper but fancy the chance to win a prize and raise money for Udayan?
What about customising a jumper from home?
Take a your inspiration from staff winner Miss Fouhy from 2015!

Replace your school jumper with an Xmas jumper for Udayan – blazer optional – Christmas joy compulsory!