Battle Of The Bands 2015

Images from the recent event

Well done to all the bands that competed on Thursday evening. We heard from ‘The Icebreakers’, ‘The Northern Line’, ‘The Regal Narwhals’, ‘The New Strange’ and ‘Vinyl Plan’. We also had a special guest performance from ‘Funk Fever’, a few faces you may recognise…

‘The Northern Line’, starring Daisy-Anne Breen Kalsi, Nicola Rogers, Andrew Laszcz and Michael Evans, are our new trophy winners after a close audience vote.

Thank you to our presenter Annie Beckley who kept us entertained between acts and to Luke Gomm for mixing the sound.

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JOA Dance Show 2015

This year saw some new faces braving our stage along with an increasing number of leaders adding their own creativity and flare to our show. Since September, the PE Department have seen numerous groups using the gym, along with any free space they could find around school to practise their dances over and over again. The dedication some of these dances have seen has been commendable and I thank every performer for their hard work and pride that they have shown for this years show.

I would like to congratulate our dance leaders, Daire Quinn (Year 13), Aisling Knight (Year 13) and Filipa Ferreira (Year 13) who I am so glad have been able to end their time at St. Joan of Arc on an ultimate high due to their hard work and excellent choreography. They have been an asset to the development of dance over the past few years and I wish them the best of luck in their future studies.

Also to our upcoming leaders Daisy Ashton (Year 11) and Abbie Wildman (Year 10) who choreographed our finale dance for a large group of Year 8 girls. An excellent piece showing your wonderful flare for dance.

It has been an absolute pleasure to see another Dance Show through and each year our pupils show off how much talent they have. Thank you for all of your hard work and to all those involved in the set up, and running of the show.


Mrs Kane.image1 (4)


Geography West Coast USA Trip

Here are some photos of the Geography Department’s recent trip to the West Coast of America from 11th-17th February. As you will see from the photos, The Students, Mr Kelly and Miss Kara all had an amazing time, saw some jaw-dropping sights, learned lots and sampled some truly American culture!

The trip covered over 1,600km and we travelled through three US states, visiting San Francisco, Death Valley, Las Vegas, The Grand Canyon and finally onto Phoenix. It was quite the Epic Road Trip!

We really did have a superb experience and we have some wonderful memories that will remain with us a long time!

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Geography Trip 2015

Under the Golden Gate Bridge We have had a great few days so far in The USA enjoying the sights of San Francisco, including the Golden Gate Bridge, Alcatraz and Twin Peaks. We were all amazed at how stunning this city is and we want to stay longer!

Today we are travelling to Death Valley and the next step of our road trip will begin!


Applications to College

Applications to College

Hints and Tips


Following is a short list of hints and tips that I hope will ensure your college applications are made on time and effectively.


  • Be clear about the vocational area you want to explore.
  • If you are undecided or unclear please talk with your family, your teachers and make an appointment to speak to Mr Ritchie, your Careers Adviser in school.
  • Visit them as soon as you can even if the Open Day has passed.
  • Make an application by Christmas 2013. All application forms are on line but the school also has some paper prospectuses with application forms with in them.
  • Top Tip. Make a copy and complete it in rough off line first of all
  • Prepare your evidence and attend your interview. Talk to David Ritchie if you want some support with interview technique, he will help you prepare. Be confident!
  • This may be your Plan A or your Plan B but once it is made it is made and you can focus on achieving the best exam results you can.
  • If you want to discuss college courses, the 6th form or about apprenticeships please contact Mr Ritchie. His email is: or arrange an appointment through your From Tutor.


  • Parents. If you too want to discuss college courses, the 6th form or about apprenticeships please contact Mr Ritchie. His email is: 

Reminder to Year 11 Students from English

Year 11 students are reminded to purchase and bring in a copy of their set texts for this half term.

WJEC GCSE English and English Language Higher Textbook 

ISBN- 978-0-435016-87-6


Students will have been advised by their teacher which play they are studying from the options below:

Blood Brothers

ISBN- 978-0-413-76770-7

A View from the Bridge

ISBN- 0-435-23312-2


Students in Miss Turner’s class do not need to purchase the plays.


The English Department