Geography West Coast USA Trip

Here are some photos of the Geography Department’s recent trip to the West Coast of America from 11th-17th February. As you will see from the photos, The Students, Mr Kelly and Miss Kara all had an amazing time, saw some jaw-dropping sights, learned lots and sampled some truly American culture!

The trip covered over 1,600km and we travelled through three US states, visiting San Francisco, Death Valley, Las Vegas, The Grand Canyon and finally onto Phoenix. It was quite the Epic Road Trip!

We really did have a superb experience and we have some wonderful memories that will remain with us a long time!

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Maths Week – Brainbuster Cup

2015 winners - 7 WardCongratulations to 7 Ward who won the 2015 Brainbuster Cup after a nail-biting final.
The capacity crowd were whipped up into a mathematical frenzy as they narrowly beat Campion 17 -15. Well done 7 Ward!



The draw for the Puzzle of the Day Competition will take place at break time on Friday 6/3 under the big umbrella. Out of 214 entries, 70 were correct and will be entered into the draw.

Solutions will be posted at 6am on Friday morning – click here to find out if your answers were correct.

Good luck!


Geography Trip 2015

Under the Golden Gate Bridge We have had a great few days so far in The USA enjoying the sights of San Francisco, including the Golden Gate Bridge, Alcatraz and Twin Peaks. We were all amazed at how stunning this city is and we want to stay longer!

Today we are travelling to Death Valley and the next step of our road trip will begin!


Cambridge University’s Millennium Maths Project Roadshow at St Joan of Arc

Students experienced a different side of Maths on 28th January when Fran from the Maths Roadshow came and taught mathematical problem solving skills with Hands-on activities.

Have a go yourself at

Visit To Lille Christmas Market

We had a very successful trip to Lille Christmas Market on December 11th. The students were able to use their language skills to communicate with the vendors and bought all sorts of lovely gifts for their families and friends. Most of them sampled the gauffres and crêpes on offer and managed to steer clear of the gluhvein. They also braved the big wheel and took photos across the city and met the man in red himself. Their behaviour was exemplary and we were proud to be with them. All in all, we had a great day out.

The Final week of Christmas cake Club

We had such a busy and productive week – with some absolutely amazing results!

I couldn’t be prouder of your imaginative and individual ideas. The families of Homestart will be overjoyed at the present of a homemade cake in their hamper!

A huge thanks to Miss Morton and Mrs Locke for helping during the club and Mrs Scarlett for all her organizing prior to the club. Robin and his team in the canteen also need a huge thanks for providing some stunning decorations to add a professional touch.

The winners of the competition  judged by Robin, Mr Sweeney and myself are:

1st Prize – Aoife Gallagher – 8 Theresa
2nd Prize – Lily Carroll – 8 Ward
3rd Prize – Katie Weir – 8 More
Well done!
 photo 13 (4) photo 14 (4)photo 12 (3)photo11 (5)

Winter Concert 2014

The Winter Concert took place on 4th Decmeber 2014

A great night was had by all and congratulations go to all students and staff who took part.


The Hour of Code

hour of code

So you have seen the posters, now it’s time to sign up and try an Hour of Code.
What is it?  It is a worldwide initiative to encourage everyone to have a go at coding.
Last year over 10 million people tried it.
Join us in D2.8 at break time, lunch time and after school.
Click on the link below and sign up using your school email address to register your hour(s) to our event.
There are tutorials based on Frozen, Angry Birds,  or Flappy Birds.
Let’s see if we can reach 1000 hours over the week.