A.R.C Alternatives trip

We would like to once again thank the Year 12 A.R.C team for all their generosity. Throughout the last term the pupils on a weekly basis brought in items that were donated to the ‘Alternatives’ Charity. Alternatives is an amazing charity which offers support for all pregnancy and pregnancy loss related issues.

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St Joan of Arc Mock EU Referendum Result

The counting is now complete and we can reveal how the students have voted in our mock EU referendum held this morning.
Thank you so much to the work of everyone involved to make this happen and to form tutors and teachers for taking the time to discuss the issues with the students.
Here we go:
Overall result:
Remain = 406 votes
Leave = 285 votes
Spoilt ballots = 52
A breakdown of results by year groups:
Year 7:
Remain = 109 votes
Leave = 71 votes
Spoilt ballots = 11
Year 8:
Remain = 77 votes
Leave = 71 votes
Spoilt ballots = 5
Year 9:
Remain = 104 votes
Leave = 31 votes
Spoilt ballots = 9
Year 10:
Remain = 75 votes
Leave = 100 votes
Spoilt ballots = 21
Sixth form:
Remain = 41 votes
Leave = 12 votes
Spoilt ballots = 6
It will be interesting now to see how our vote compares with the eligible UK voters!

Year 13 Leavers’ Day

Friday 27th May marked the end of the current Year 13’s time at St. Joan of Arc. To celebrate this, all students congregated at Our Lady’s Church for mass before being treated to a buffet, courtesy of the PFA (our sincere thanks, once again, go to the PFA for helping to fund this) followed by a Leavers’ Assembly in which subject awards were handed out.

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We wish all of our Year 13s the very best of luck in their summer examinations and wish them the very best in their future endeavours!


We are looking in to the possibility of running a ski trip exclusively for St. Joan of Arc Sixth Formers. The parents / carers of all current Year 11 students who have applied to come to St. Joan’s, as well as current Year 12 students, have all received a letter outlining the finer details. Please get your expressions of interest in ASAP. Please speak to Mr. Briggs regarding any questions you may have!

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Apostles of Mercy pilgrimage to Westminster

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This year as we are celebrating the Jubilee of Mercy, fifty students have committed to being Apostles of Mercy. On Monday the 9th and 16th of May, several of these Apostles of Mercy from year 7, 8 and 9 went on a pilgrimage to Westminster Cathedral. The purpose for our pilgrimage was to to give them the opportunity to follow the ‘Way of Mercy’, starting at the Holy Door.

“On Monday the 16th of May we went on a pilgrimage to Westminster Cathedral.  Before the pilgrimage, we prepared for our journey by going to confession at school and going to Mass at our local parish ‘Our Lady Help of Christians’.  Fr Mark said Mass and asked us to pray for him. At the Cathedral we followed the ‘Way of Mercy’, starting at the Holy Door and then following the ‘Way of Mercy’ route, reflecting on different aspects of mercy at various stations around the Cathedral.  At these stations we read some information about the different acts of mercy and prayed. By going through the Holy Door, following the ‘Way of Mercy’, confessing our sins and attending Mass, we received an indulgence.” (Mary Wheatley and Zoe Sotto)

Our Apostles of Mercy were encouraged to hope as Pope Francis expressed that we may ‘experience the joy of encountering that grace which transforms all things.’

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Sixth Form Breakfast Club

All Year 12 and 13 Students are invited to have complimentary breakfast in the Common Room prior to all of their exams.

Breakfast will be available between 08:00 and 08:45

Breakfast available to all Sixth Formers before all exams in the Common Room (08:00 - 08:45)

Breakfast available to all Sixth Formers before all exams in the Common Room (08:00 – 08:45)

Thanks to Waitrose Rickmansworth for supplying the food and to Mrs Fry for organising and running the breakfast club.


Student Executive Committee 2016-17

Following the conclusion of the recent election and a series of interviews on Wednesday, I am pleased to announce the committee for the next academic year.

Download (PDF, 289KB)

The committee will officially take up their positions in September, but will be doing some work towards next year in the coming weeks, including their first full committee meeting next Wednesday after school.

Thanks once again to all students that applied and took part in the selection process and thanks to all students and staff for their support.

Former JOA Drama student at the National Theatre

Tamara Lawrence, a former student of St Joan of Arc, can currently be seen at the National Theatre, in a biography of legendary Blues singer Ma Rainey. Tamara, who starred in our SSF production of Macbeth and in our school production, The Dracula Spectacula, was one of our highest achieving students in Drama and graduated from prestigious London Drama school RADA last year. The Guardian reviewer describes her performance as “an alluring and professional debut”:  Well done Tamara!

See http://www.nationaltheatre.org.uk/shows/ma-raineys-black-bottom

Finbar Lynch, Sharon D Clarke, Tunji Lucas and Tamara Lawrence in Ma Rainey's Black Bottom at the National Theatre (Photo: Johan Persson)show

Tamara Lawrence (far right) on stage at the National Theatre