Visiting Micky Mouse and Friends
Visiting Micky Mouse and Friends
As part of our trip we were given a guided tour around the Houses of Parliament and the UK Supreme Court. We also met up with David Gauke, a local MP, and thanki him for the brilliant opportunity to tour around the Houses of Parliament.
15 JOA students visited Regina Mundi school in Milan last week on our first MFL exchange in many years. Students were able to interact in Italian with the families they stayed with and while they were at school, they were involved in various activities from Science experiments to games and a pizza workshop. Students also had the opportunity to visit famous landmarks in Milan, Florence and Venice, were they also experienced the Carnival. An unforgettable time was had by all and we are very much looking forward to welcoming the Italian students during the last week of the Spring term!
On Friday 27th January, some Y13 and Y9 students were lucky enough to listen to a live webcast from Holocaust survivor Mala Tribich. This was an event in which over 500 schools were involved, not just in the UK, but globally. Mala told the emotive story of her life in the Jewish Ghetto and later in two different concentration camps. The students found the experience very moving, especially the story she told of her cousin who went missing and Mala never found out what happened to her. Y9 ended the session by saying their main message to others is for everyone to appreciate how serious the Holocaust was and how it should be remembered today.
On Friday the 16th of December Year 12 A.R.C supported and funded the senior citizen party. The pupils worked exceptionally hard to ensure our guests had a lovely afternoon. The pupils showed how eloquent and confident they are when talking with our guests. The fact that so many of our guests have returned from previous years shows that they truly enjoy the efforts put in by our pupils and allows pupil a great opportunity to integrate even more with the senior citizens of our local community. It was wonderful to see the pupils truly live out the Gospel teaching ‘I was a stranger and you invited me in.’ Matt 25:35
Thank you to everyone who supported 13 Theresa and Udayan by taking part in last Friday’s Christmas Jumper day. We raised £423!
Pictures of our winners can be found below:
Most festive forms: 7 Bede and 8 Ward
Individual winners: Year 7: Charlie Baird 7 Clare and Jenna Campbell 7 More
Year 8: Harry McVeigh 8 Bede and Freya Trendell 8 Frances
AND.…Mr Dwamena and Miss Fouhy – joint staff winners!
Thank you all! Merry Christmas and a Happy 2017 from 13 Theresa
Once again our pupils have shown their consideration for others. It was a privilege to be able to support our local Food bank again. I would like to thank year 12 A.R.C for organising the collection to take place and for delivering our donations. A huge thank you to the pupils in year 7 for their exceptional generosity with their weekly donations. Our pupils have truly put their faith into action by supporting those in our local community who are less fortunate. Proverbs 22:9 ‘The generous will themselves be blessed, for they share their food with the poor’.
On the 12th of December a group of year 13 pupils were escorted to ‘The Catholic Worker Farm’ to donate items that they have been collecting as a year group weekly since September. I would like to commend them on their efforts. They have supported the cause, which offers accommodation for 22 destitute women whom without the farm, would be on the street with their children. It allowed the pupils to recognise the plight of others and to gain a better understanding of how truly privileged they are. By supporting the Catholic Worker Farm, they truly put the Catholic teachings into action. ‘For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me’ Mt 25:35-36.