Morrisby 2015

 “Discover your hidden talents and choose fulfilling A levels, degree courses and careers”

Profile Image

This year we are again offering students in year 11 and 12 the opportunity to take the suite of Morrisby Psychometric Assessments in preparation for making A level, degree and career choices. The Morrisby Profile is enhanced careers guidance. Letters and application forms have been emailed home with the details. I would encourage you to think about this opportunity, the report and feedback will support your planing, offer fresh and original ideas or indeed challenge you current thinking. Morrisby can demonstrate your potential.  The event is taking place on the afternoon of 11th March. Please ask your parents to check their email and discuss the idea.

St Joan’s Alumni – please sign up and join us

There are so many ways that our current students and future students can benefit from the stories and experiences of our past students. These can be about job seeking, university experience, travel, sharing careers information, mentoring, supporting, the list is huge. Please sign up to our Future First alumni database. Three clicks. Starting with……..  – “About St Joan’s” – Alumni

or go direct………..

0r use our  QR code………..

qrafter-20140617-153635 (2)

Or ring David Ritchie (m) 07748 761393 to chat about it!

Year 9 Brunel University STEM Evaluation

On 7th May we visited Brunel University. We were given a tour of the campus, shown various aeronautical and automotive and digital media labs and work shops and experienced first hand simple computer programming, robotics and mathematical code breaking. I am interested to know how you all felt about the day. Please click on the link below, it will take you to the site.

Thank you.

David Ritchie – Careers Coordinator

Click here for the Brunel Survey

“Careers Guidance With Muscle”

Morrisby Logo

I know that most of you are discussing options for your future and the implications of 6th form subject choices, higher education choices and/or employment plans.

This is a reminder that in addition to the advice and guidance you can receive from Mr Ritchie and your tutors, St Joan of Arc is once again offering the opportunity for you to take the Morrisby Profile. It will take place on Wednesday 12th March.

More information should have come out to you in the last day or so.  Please can you return completed application forms and cheques to The Finance Office, thank you. “Careers guidance with muscle”………… Morrisby:

  • Provides descriptions and comparisons of your different mental strengths
  • Identifies “good fit” A level options post 16
  • Identifies 20 university course suggestions to start your research with
  • Suggests 12 careers that reflect your innate mental strengths
  • In short it is providing you with more evidence to help you make really important choices

Visit the Morrisby web site to try the demonstration questions

Geography Department Twitter Account

Back in June, we revamped our Departmental Blog and it has become increasingly popular with students both at St Joan’s and around the world ( . Deciding to propel ourselves even further into the 21st century, we  now have a Twitter Account! Please feel free to Follow us to keep up-to-date with the latest geographical happenings both in the department here at St Joan’s and over the Globe! Find us @JoaGeog

Mr Kelly

Applications to College

Applications to College

Hints and Tips


Following is a short list of hints and tips that I hope will ensure your college applications are made on time and effectively.


  • Be clear about the vocational area you want to explore.
  • If you are undecided or unclear please talk with your family, your teachers and make an appointment to speak to Mr Ritchie, your Careers Adviser in school.
  • Visit them as soon as you can even if the Open Day has passed.
  • Make an application by Christmas 2013. All application forms are on line but the school also has some paper prospectuses with application forms with in them.
  • Top Tip. Make a copy and complete it in rough off line first of all
  • Prepare your evidence and attend your interview. Talk to David Ritchie if you want some support with interview technique, he will help you prepare. Be confident!
  • This may be your Plan A or your Plan B but once it is made it is made and you can focus on achieving the best exam results you can.
  • If you want to discuss college courses, the 6th form or about apprenticeships please contact Mr Ritchie. His email is: or arrange an appointment through your From Tutor.


  • Parents. If you too want to discuss college courses, the 6th form or about apprenticeships please contact Mr Ritchie. His email is: