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Category : Careers
Our year 10, 11 and 6th form students have been invited to join with RMS students on 8th March to meet with a host of employers including lawyers, doctors, scientists and engineers, business men and women, representatives from universities and so much more. No registration required please just visit on the 8th
A group of pupils from years 8, 9 and 10 attended Hertfordshire University for a Computing Enrichment Day. The day included programming robots, coding with the Raspberry Pi, App development and two inspirational talks by a Master Inventor at IBM and Kate Russell from BBC Click.
Continuing Education and Careers Web Links
Below are a host of up to date and useful careers, continuing education and employment web links. Please explore these and save them to your own space as you find those which are especially helpful for you.
Morrisby 2015
“Discover your hidden talents and choose fulfilling A levels, degree courses and careers”
This year we are again offering students in year 11 and 12 the opportunity to take the suite of Morrisby Psychometric Assessments in preparation for making A level, degree and career choices. The Morrisby Profile is enhanced careers guidance. Letters and application forms have been emailed home with the details. I would encourage you to think about this opportunity, the report and feedback will support your planing, offer fresh and original ideas or indeed challenge you current thinking. Morrisby can demonstrate your potential. The event is taking place on the afternoon of 11th March. Please ask your parents to check their email and discuss the idea.
New Careers Facebook and Twitter Feeds
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Please like the new Careers face book page, follow the JOA_Futures twitter feed. Both are full of A level / college, higher education, apprenticeship and careers information
St Joan’s Alumni – please sign up and join us
There are so many ways that our current students and future students can benefit from the stories and experiences of our past students. These can be about job seeking, university experience, travel, sharing careers information, mentoring, supporting, the list is huge. Please sign up to our Future First alumni database. Three clicks. Starting with…….. – “About St Joan’s” – Alumni
or go direct………..
0r use our QR code………..

Or ring David Ritchie (m) 07748 761393 to chat about it!
Year 9 Brunel University STEM Evaluation
On 7th May we visited Brunel University. We were given a tour of the campus, shown various aeronautical and automotive and digital media labs and work shops and experienced first hand simple computer programming, robotics and mathematical code breaking. I am interested to know how you all felt about the day. Please click on the link below, it will take you to the site.
Thank you.
David Ritchie – Careers Coordinator