12 A.R.C Environment day

A huge congratulations to the year 12 A.R.C Environment group, who organised and ran an Environment day for KS3 classes. Also a huge thank you for all of the KS3 classes involved, the effort put in by all was brilliant to witness.

Today year 8 helped cleared an area so that in future we can grow plants. A group of year 8 also did water sampling to become more aware of the animals present in our school.

Year 9 selflessly  picked up litter and went around the entire school collecting recycling.

Year 7 made bird feeders to help preserve natural wild life in our local community.

Today all the pupils put their faith into action by being stewards of the earth.  “The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it.” Gen 2:15

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Thank you for all your work today.